
Dr MC Masemola has made booking an appointment easy for everyone by taking advantage of the technology at our disposal.

Operating Hours

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00

Saturday: 09:00-13:00 (Only on Appointment)

Sun-Public holidays: Closed

Virtual Visit

Promoting social distancing during this pandemic, Dr MC Masemola now offers her patients to engage with the doctor virtually using most used and available video conferencing platforms, like:

Who is eligible for a virtual visit

How it works

After filling the patient details form, Dr MC Masemola’s medical receptionist will contact you with the link of the video conferencing of your choice 15 minutes prior the appointment.

Walk-ins Welcomed

Dr MC Masemola accepts walk-ins and she advise that patients follow the regulations laid by the Department of Health that every patient must:

Patient Details

Please provide your details below in order for us to efficiently arrange an appointment for you.